RP Automotive Data

Used Vehicle Registrations

This group encompasses only first-in-country registrations. Historical data going back to 2010 are available (depending on vehicle type and country).

Our options for light vehicles and heavy ones are as follow:

Reports on Used Light Vehicle (PC&LCV) Registrations:
uLRDBa Monthly Volume Data* (xlsx/txt with/without analysis tool**)
idpA body type
idpB fuel type
idpC engine size
idpD engine output
idpE region (place of registration)
idpF user/owner type
idpG CO2 emissions

* country, make, make & model, type, category, age, GVW, status, year, month; ** pivot table

Reports on Used Heavy Vehicle (TT&BC) Registrations:
uSRDBa Monthly Volume Data* (xlsx/txt with/without analysis tool**)
idpA body type
idpB fuel type
idpC engine size
idpD engine output
idpE region (place of registration)
idpF user/owner type

* country, make, make & model, type, category, age, GVW, status, year, month; ** pivot table

Every single vehicle type (PC, LCV, TT, BC) can also be offered separately.

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